Technology Transfer & Commercialization Model:

From Research to Revenue

Assessing the Commercial Viability of Technology

Assessing the Commercial Viability of Technology

Is the Technology Sought After by Industry?

Assuming the commercial advantages and societal impacts of your research are well-established, the next critical step involves evaluating its distinctiveness, current stage of development, and the necessary criteria for successful commercialization. This assessment helps determine how unique the technology is compared to existing solutions, identify its readiness for market entry, and outline what is needed to transform it into a viable commercial product. 

Accurate valuation of a technology's potential in the market is crucial for securing investment and establishing successful commercialization strategies.  The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale   provides a structured framework to assist in the valuation process by categorizing technology readiness into distinct levels, or stages.  Each stage details the specific development steps required to transition from concept to market-ready product.


DEPLOYMENT  9. Actual system proven in operational environment 
 8. System complete and qualified
 7. Prototype demonstration in operational environment
DEVELOPMENT  6. Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
 5. Technology validated in (industrially) relevant environment
 4. Technology validated in lab
RESEARCH  3. Experimental proof of concept
 2. Technology concept or application formulated
 1. Basic principles observed

TRL Scale: